The Umbrella of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities in the fight against HIV&AIDS and for Health Promotion (UPHLS) is a non-governmental entity operating in Rwanda that was created in 2006 as an Umbrella Organization
of Disability Organizations and grassroots’ self-help groups of persons with disabilities. UPHLS operates in thematic areas of HIV&AIDS to improve the health and employability of PWDs, create and advocate for inclusive...
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An inclusive society where persons with disabilities are empowered, dignified, and enjoy wellbeing.
Strengthen the capacities of member organizations, support, guide and coordinate programs to promote the rights of PWDs for inclusive services in HIV&AIDS, health and employability.
Legal representative
Dr. Suubi Patrick is the Chairman of UPHLS. He has held several leadership positions in the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the past. Dr. Suubi is also the Rwandan Union Blind RUB legal advisor, He is Deputy Dean of the
school of inclusive and Special Needs...More
Mr Habiyaremye Leonard is the board member in charge of finance.With over 10 years of experience in the field of accountancy, he specialize in financial ...More
Executive Director
Mr. Xavier KARANGWA, he is a Holder of a Master’s degree in Public Health from University of Rwanda with more than 10 years working experience in HIV, Public health , Disability and Administration in Rwanda focus on Programs management
Developing a strategy is the most effective and efficient way to work. Having a strategy for your advocacy efforts will help you to outline your vision and goals, identify the stakeholders that will need p...More
Capacity building (or capacity development) is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs...More
In recent years, UPHLS has been thriving to develop a specialized and demand-driven center on Disability, SRH, WASH, HIV and AIDS to (further) build up and disseminate disability-specific ...More
For UPHLS to advocate for inclusive health sector policies in collaboration with a broad group of stakeholders, and support implementation of these policies at districts and community ...More
My name is Jean Claude Munyemana. I am 30 years old and I live in the Rulindo district. I live alone in a small house left to me by my parents. I was born with only partial ability to speak and did ...More
UWINEZA Francine lives in Rubavu district, Mbugangari sector, she is a director of health in Rubavu district, before being trained on disability-friendly planning and she did not know how to integrate...More